Happy & Successful
Summit 2025
YES! That's right! we are doing 2nd round of our HAPPY & SUCCESSFUL summit next year, 2025.
Subscribe NOW to be the first who hears all the news as they will start coming.
Whether you're a conscious business owner, CEO, entrepreneur, healer, coach, or simply an individual ready to ascend and committed to creating massive positive change in the world (whether it's your own world or world at large), through your business, education, support, and empowerment, this is an invitation for you.
You are happy and successful.
That's how you feel and that's what people around you think about you.
And yet...
Is this really all there is for you?
Isn't there something more?
Something even better and greater?
Something more fulfilling and satisfying?
What lies beyond traditional understanding of being happy and successful?
Together let's peep behind the veil and look at what might be there for you in the land of beyond .....
Welcome to our online Happy & Successful summit!
Save the pivotal dates for this life-altering event, plus there are introductory slides at the bottom of this page.
📅 Monday, January 15th - Friday, January 19th, 2024
- every day we start at 10:00 UK time and we are using the same Zoom link throughout the summit, so it's really easy for you to join any of the sessions.
📅 Saturday, 20th January 2024 - 🌟 Special Bonus Discussion Panel featuring our visionary speakers - starting at 16:00 UK time,
followed immediately by 🌟 Special closing Q&A session with Andrea Klincokova, host of this summit and a renowned expert in conscious living and leadership.
For VIP participants there is another special BONUS:
🌟 Special Q&A sessions for VIP ticket holders wih Andrea Klincokova.
There will be 4 weekly one hour long live Q&A and Hot Seat coaching sessions held between 22nd January and 23rd February 2024. As a summit VIP pass holder you will also be able to keep all the summit sessions recordings for life and you will also receive unlimited Voxer support from Andrea during that one month (22nd January and 23rd February 2024).
Subscribe today to receive the latest updates about the Happy & Successful Summit and prepare to embark on a profound journey towards spiritual ascension, self-discovery, conscious leadership, and the fusion of success with your higher purpose.
Join our Facebook summit group here
Join our YouTube summit channel here
As a prelude to this awe-inspiring experience, you have had a chance to immerse yourself in our Free Pre-summit Calls - Portal Activations. These calls were designed to elevate your spirit and consciousness and ran monthly from September 2023. Did you join us for any of them? If you did, let us know what shifts you already noticed in your life.
Some of the Portal Activation Calls you can watch on our 'Happy & Successful' summit YouTube channel or in our summit Facebook page after registration.
You will also find there some other pre-summit gifts and offers from our amazing speakers, as well as replays of Quantum Flow sessions with brilliant Sesh Naidoo.
So, what are you waiting for?
Your extraordinary adventure into the realms of consciousness and positive change awaits! 🌟🌈✨