Soňa Sušanková
Engineer and Shaman
Cancelled due to illness. We wish Sona a speedy recovery.
Bouncing Back
Join Sona as she talks about her story, her journey from depression to happiness (and back and forth), from engineering to shamanism and back. Her life on a “rainbow wave”, which is her personal term for life full of different emotions and surprises, ups and downs… But- she says - it's better this way than to be just grey and every day to be the same.
Sona's inspirational journey back to acceptance of everything as it is, back to gratefulness and living with no plans and not knowing, just loving life as is.
My Story
I worked for about 10 years as a civil engineer, then my intuition guided me to shamanic trainings.
I quit my well-paid job and became a freelancer, shamanic energy healer with pseudonym Soňa Moudrá (which means Sonia Wise, because as a child I wanted as a profession to be wise 😊 ).
Later my business completely stopped, I was not able to do shamanic practice anymore and was guided to go back to civil engineering.
My super powers are perseverance, courage, and optimism.
My Offer
I hope you'll find my story inspirational and empowering. Contact me for more.
For Czech speaking participants, you are welcome to listen to my podcast and YouTube channel.
I'm always looking for new and exciting connections. Let's connect.