Patrick Geary
Intuitive Astrologer & Quantum Coach
Friday, 19th January 2024, at 11:30 UK time
From Fear to Aspiration: Deep Change with Pluto
We find ourselves at a once-in-a-lifetime cosmic crossroads. As the well-laid foundations of material success shake, tremble and collapse around us, our understandable fear for the future leaves us in need of a fundamental reconnection with the spiritual virtues of aspiration and achievement.
And so I ask: What would the world look like if our notions of success encouraged us to find and fulfill our own unique life purpose with creativity, joy and generosity? Would would your own life look like? Come join me and learn how we can bring new ideas of success home to our hearts and planet.
My Story
I am a an intuitive astrologer and spiritual life coach who helps people weave joyful new realities. I work with clients to recognize the patterns that govern their daily decisions; to make creative connections with their higher consciousness; and to craft a new mindset to catch what their soul desires.
I built a career as a human rights lawyer for the United Nations to inspire profound change in how we live and work. With a background in psychology and a long-standing interest in the esoteric and intuitive arts, I bring this same passion for public service to my private practice.
To me, happiness and success are creative expressions of joyful alignment with life purpose. I believe it is our birthright to enjoy our lives, and I know through my own experience that we can (re)learn how to consciously make this choice no matter what the circumstances are around us. I have explored a vast variety of mental, physical and energetic healing in my journey, and I am proud to bring the full range of my personal experience to my work.
Podcast pre-summit introductory interview
In this introductory podcast interview, Andrea and Patrick, obviously ;o) talked about what does happiness and success mean to him, and also about Patrick's love for night sky, about time travel, about astrology, and also about life as a UN lawyer. We talked about big money and what that life style gave us. We talked about coroprate world we both know so well, and life we live now. We discussed simple, yet powerful tips and tricks we use in our own lives to feel better when life feels harder. And we talk about midfulness, energy, gratitude, and love. And so much more ...
Listen to this fantastic conversation and get to know Patrick a little bit better through it.
My Offer
I’m delighted to offer you the chance to make three wishes in a special session on happiness and success 💫💫💫
Three Wishes:
Join me for a date with destiny (suggested price £50 for 50 minutes).☕️
With the magic of astrology, intuition and coaching, you'll connect with your heart's desire and make three wishes for the year ahead.🪄
You'll find a new appreciation for the way that things are coming together, and you'll also get a clear sense of how to move forward from where you are.👣
Book a session here (https://calendly.com/truthtakestime/three-wishes)
My 2nd offer for you:
I write weekly posts with practical guidance on how to work with what’s happening in the skies above, please do follow along (https://truthtakestime.substack.com/).
I’d also love to know your reflections, drop me a note anytime on my email below. 💌
I'm always looking for new and exciting connections. Let's connect.