Oana Antonela Havris
Akashic Healing and Eden Method Energy Healing Advanced Practioner
Day, 00th January 2024, at 00:00 UK time
Energetic Healing and Pain
Join Oana as she is talking about living with pain and re-patterning the body back towards healing.
My Story
I came into energy work when I found that nothing else worked to heal from the chronic pain I was experiencing in my left foot after a dance performance stage accident.
It was 7 years of pain, and the doctors could not give me a diagnosis nor support me in any way.
I found a good naturopathic doctor who helped with acupuncture, prolotherapy and electromagnetic therapy but after a very hard marriage and divorce I began to experience extremely painful episodes of peripheral neuropathy in both of my legs.
That naturopathic doctor was at a loss as far as the neuropathy.
Fortunately, by than I was studying the Eden Method of Energy Medicine, and I was able to day to day do a little something to help myself take the edge off the pain.
By the 4th year of training, the chronic pain had dissolved.
Most recently, I also learned how to do emotional and spiritual healing through the Akashic Records and that has helped me become more confident in treating clients online.
In the Akashic field there is such a feeling of love and goodness and kindness and at that level we can ask for support for healing and wellbeing. And the healing can take place just by stating your intention to the higher beings of the Records.
It is truly a remarkable experience and a wonderful way to live life – to realize that you are never alone and that you have helpers in the spiritual realm.
My super power is ability to energetically balancing the body in a spiritual, emotional and physical way.
My Offer
1 hr per person - Akashic Records Healing Session for special price only for summit participants - 100 USD
1 hr per person - Remote Energy Medicine session for special price only for summit participants - 100 USD
I'm always looking for new and exciting connections. Let's connect.