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Anthea Bell

Embodiment & Life Coach

Thursday, 18th January 2024, at 10:00 UK time


Finding your voice; the power of embodied connection


Anthea will guide you through one of the fundamentals of the Embodiment Practice - a centering meditation grounded in the body's energetic centres, to take you beneath thinking mind into a profound "being" state. From here, we will explore the depth of mind~body connection and strategies to re-wire yourself to more optimal health.

My Story

Anthea is a mind~body practitioner specialising in embodied alignment - coaching people to greater health, agency and fulfillment through a blend of spoken-word therapy, neurolinguistics and deep somatic practice. 

Her passion is integration; supporting groups, organisations and 1:1 clients to connect to their profound talents and core knowing. Clients gain the tools and experience to access true intuition, powerful executive thinking and the fullness of their emotions - uncluttered by the archival beliefs and limitations that so often get in the way. With a heavy emphasis on an "embodied experience", she coaches on full physical connection - allowing a new subtlety of understanding on the signals and needs of the entire being. Nervous system regulation, pain reduction, physical re-patterning after injury/illness are all aspects of the work. 


It is only when the totality is nourished, supported, attuned, that we find our full power. From there, absolute agency to choose the life experience we seek and move toward it."


Availability for 1:1 Coaching Sessions during the conference week - Thursday 18th, Sunday 21st. Sessions can also be booked across January / February by contacting me directly.

Podcast pre-summit introductory interview

In this introductory podcast interview, Andrea and Anthea talked about what does happiness and success mean to Anthea and Anthea also shared her personal journey of self-discovery and her transition from living according to societal expectations and limiting beliefs to embracing joy, desire and happiness. We also talked about many other topics, like for example the role of storytelling in shaping our lives, about importance of visioning, we addressed the challenge of self-blame, anxiety, need of proving oneself to others, and much much more. 

Listen to this beautiful conversation and get to know Anthea a little bit better through it. 


Anthea Bell, pre-summit introductory podcast interviewTrust the Unknown podcast
00:00 / 54:22

My Offer

I'd love to support your individual journey, whether physical, emotional or spiritual. For all those wanting to connect, I will be offering summit attendees a discounted opportunity to work together, either for one-off coaching or a longer partnership. Simply reach out with the Subject Line: "Happy & Successful" and we can arrange a discovery call.

Ceremonial Cacao Session 

Join Anthea Bell for a deep, heart-opening experience of Ceremonial Cacao - a gateway for self knowing, remembrance and profound healing. The perfect way to celebrate your time at the Summit; diving into the heart of you are and sensing the intention and action that live within...

Cacao is renowned for its medicinal properties; rich in magnesium, theobromine, zinc and iron; a powerful source of polyphenols and antioxidants that aid detoxification, improved blood flow and reduced inflammation; un-caffeinated in its raw state; and deeply regulating for the nervous system and mood. Especially in winter periods when temperatures drop, days darken and the body is more physiologically-challenged, pure cacao is a beautiful, natural way to promote healing and long-term health. 


Beyond and beneath this is Cacao’s ceremonial and spiritual potency. Used for centuries as a tool for connection, communion and spiritual revelation, it is revered across cultures - increasingly adopted in the west to access “being” states less intrinsic to our way of life. A renowned heart-opener, it dissolves resistance, anxiety and illusion. Bringing the individual back to a deeper knowing - remembrance of who they are, what is true for them and the purpose they are here to serve. 


Anthea became captivated by cacao during her time in Costa Rica. From there, an immersive apprenticeship with the lineage of the British Bri tribe of the Talamanca mountains. She holds ceremony in London and internationally, and beautifully, online. For more information on the event or to find out about private ceremony, be in touch with her via email at


This event is offered online to all summit attendees and their loved ones, on Thursday, 18th January, at 17:00 UK time, for a small energetic exchange of £15. Payment can be made before the event to: 


I'm always looking for new and exciting connections. Let's connect.

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